Saturday, June 12, 2010

Reflection 13

Race and Racism is something that I believe will never go away. I believe because even though it was something that was created, it has been with us too long and now it is in our DNA. I now believe that many white people feel that they are inherently better than black people. I also want to make clear that many white people do not feel this way and I have met many that I know do not feel this way. On the other hand there are many that do. Racism has been written into our constitution. I say this because when the constitution was written slavery was in place. You see evidence of this when it is still voted on for the right for black people to vote. The right for black people to vote is still voted on today by Congress. Also, America has an extremely racist history. This also does not only pertain to the black race. Racism has been exercised against every race, religion and culture possibly on the face of the planet. I also do not want this reflection to paint the portrait of a naïve twenty-one year old. I understand that racism in a global problem and it has existed before the United States of America ever did and that is the reason why I feel that it will always exist.
I am surprised to see blatant racism in this century and that is where my naivety may shine through. The racism that I am talking about is the current situation in Arizona. The law is supposedly to protect Arizonians from undocumented illegal workers but I believe this law has a much darker rationale. From what I have learned in class this law is rooted in prejudice. The Hispanic community in Arizona is imensly large and is extremely active in Arizona. I believe this law has grown out of prejudice. As I also have learned in class prejudice is a form of racism and racism is grown from the seeds of fair. The white community is fearful of the power that the Hispanic community in Arizona has so that is why this law came about. This law is also accompanied by the banishment of ethnic studies. I see no reasons why ethnic studies have to be done away with. The only reason I can think of and many others can think of is racism.
I must admit, before this class I was prejudice but I have learned a lot from this course. From the readings and the lectures I have learned to be less judgmental and less prejudice. As an educator these will be skills that are invaluable.

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