Tuesday, June 8, 2010

comments on: si m mouri, ou pral mouri! and hb2281

This poem is addressing the current state of Haiti. It talks about the current state of the country and how mainly everyone on the island is impoverished. It also talks about how the people are crying out how they do not want to die and the country is crying back out to them “I am dying.” The poem also gives solutions to the current problems. If the Haitian people are able to pull together then the country can be saved. I agree with this but I also know it will take a lot. One of the main changes that will have to take place is the corrupt government.

This poem is addressing the current state of Arizona and who it is trying to wash away a part of its culture. That culture that is being washed away is the Hispanic culture. The poem talks about how other languages and cultures have become extinct and how the similarities of the current Arizona situation are uncanny. I agree. The Hispanic culture will be gone and maybe lost forever in Arizona. What the people need to do is protest and fight.

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