I believe that Freud had many great ideas about the mind. He also shaped many theories about the mind. His work is extremely important because it was one of the first findings on how the mind works. His views on personality are widely accepted because they seem to be correct through observation. Also as the professor said in class earlier, we should not throw out everything that Freud because some of the things he said were considered ridiculous. We must also take into consideration that he also gave of many insights into the subconscious and unconscious mind that no other psychologist in his field has given us.
Freud believes that there are two factors that affect every single thing that we do in life. He believes these two factors are sex and aggression. I personally do not agree with this. I believe there is much more to life than sex and aggression. I believe that love is a guiding factor. I do feel that sex and aggression are guiding factors but I also believe there are many guiding factors and sex and aggression are not top on that list. Freud explains more of what he means by saying that these factors are our need to procreate and protect ourselves. Freud also talks about the Id, Ego, and Superego. Each one of these driving factors guides our actions through life. Each was has greater priority over different phases in our lives. The Id is what we all are born with. This is what allows us to get our basic needs met. He gives the example of babies trying to get their needs met and having on regards for our needs. The example he gave was that babies do not care if we are sleeping. We develop the Ego by age three. The Ego realizes that what we do affect others so we learn to think before we act. The Ego main focus is to satisfy the id but we learn to control to think about our actions first. The Superego develops at age five and that is what regulates our morals. Freud believes the Ego is the most important driving factor and if the Id is what’s in control then are impulses will guide our actions. On the other hand, if the Superego is our number one guiding factor then our morals will guide us.
Freud believes that our emotions are in our unconscious minds, which is not accessible to us. He believes that our conscious mind is used as our perspective on the world. The subconscious mind is what we use as our database to retrieve information.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
comments on : Arizona Goddamn
This poem is about the new law that Arizona has decided to adopt, which grants police the right to ask anyone who is acting suspiciously for the papers to check if they are here illegally. The author of this poem feels as though this law is not right. He also feels a though Arizona has created a monster that will backfire on them. He feels that this law is inherently racism and laws like that do no good for society and this theory has proven to be correct. Such examples are laws of Segregation and the Jim Crow Laws. He feels this law has been spurred from feelings of fear which lead to irrational thinking and irrational laws.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Reflection 7
I felt that the article Teaching For Inclusion was extremely helpful in my goal of becoming a teacher. It had many tips on how to accommodate all genders, races, and sexual orientations in the classroom. I believe it is very important not to offend any of these categories in the classroom.
This article wanted you to understand how to teach to the individual rather than any specific race or anything else. This article wanted to make it clear that that was one of the most important things. In order for this to happen we must regulate the discussion in the classroom. We must also try to accommodate every type of student that we have in the classroom. The article gave many helpful tips on how to make this happen. One of the tips was to let students volunteer to speak and also call upon students. When we do this we let the students who want to speak their mind speak and the students who are too shy to voice their opinions a chance to talk also. Another tip was that we set ground rules for discussions in the classroom. These grounds rules are set in place so that each student understands their contributions to the discussion are valuable but also they are to not offend anyone in the class. If an offensive commit is not made, you don’t want to ignore it or you don’t want to reprimand the student. Another option is to let the class know that commits like that are hurtful and they are personal attacks.
One thing that you also do not want to do is stereotype students. Instead of lumping students into a category, you want to look at the student individually. If this is done, it may inhibit learning for the student. You should not assume that a black student does not understands the material, but you should look at the students progress and make a decision on his grasp of the subject matter. As an educator you must also be aware of the different learning styles which may inhibit learning for certain students. In your classroom, you should try to employ different types of teaching methods. If you do this, it will encompass all students and help students keep up with the material.
In a classroom you should try to use language that all students will understand. Be aware that you have more knowledge in the particular subject that you are teaching than the student. If you make an example of something that they are not aware of or something that only a few students are aware of then the students may feel left out.
This article wanted you to understand how to teach to the individual rather than any specific race or anything else. This article wanted to make it clear that that was one of the most important things. In order for this to happen we must regulate the discussion in the classroom. We must also try to accommodate every type of student that we have in the classroom. The article gave many helpful tips on how to make this happen. One of the tips was to let students volunteer to speak and also call upon students. When we do this we let the students who want to speak their mind speak and the students who are too shy to voice their opinions a chance to talk also. Another tip was that we set ground rules for discussions in the classroom. These grounds rules are set in place so that each student understands their contributions to the discussion are valuable but also they are to not offend anyone in the class. If an offensive commit is not made, you don’t want to ignore it or you don’t want to reprimand the student. Another option is to let the class know that commits like that are hurtful and they are personal attacks.
One thing that you also do not want to do is stereotype students. Instead of lumping students into a category, you want to look at the student individually. If this is done, it may inhibit learning for the student. You should not assume that a black student does not understands the material, but you should look at the students progress and make a decision on his grasp of the subject matter. As an educator you must also be aware of the different learning styles which may inhibit learning for certain students. In your classroom, you should try to employ different types of teaching methods. If you do this, it will encompass all students and help students keep up with the material.
In a classroom you should try to use language that all students will understand. Be aware that you have more knowledge in the particular subject that you are teaching than the student. If you make an example of something that they are not aware of or something that only a few students are aware of then the students may feel left out.
reflection 5
I think it would be an understatement to say that what the group of students who were apart of the Little Rock Nine had to go through was disgusting. This country has a long history of racism, which still goes on today, with the law in Arizona, and this was a one of the many times when racism was at its worse. These nine students were very courageous in the fact that even though none of the students wanted them there, they went anyway. This showed the true character of the students and the true character of Little Rock. I was also immensely appalled of the actions of the governor at the time, Orval Faubas. It was extremely mind-boggling to here that he had the National Guard deployed to prevent these nine brave students from entering the school.
I would not have liked to be one of the Little Rock Nine. What they have gone through is unthinkable for another human being to go through. It was really shocking to me to know that people could act in such a horrific fashion. What’s more shocking to me is to know they acted so stupidly was because the students were a different race than they were. But I wonder if it was really the students fault. I am definitely not giving the students a pass for their action but they may not have known any better. Unfortunately the students may have been a product of their incredibly racist environment. This is what they were bombarded with all the time. They received this kind of thinking at home and everywhere else in little rock. This was their culture and as we have learned in class, everything about culture is not good.
The way that I am as of now, it would not make me happy that I would have to be taken to school with armed guards but I am going to look at this from a different perspective. I am going to look at this from the perspective of a black student going to a newly desegregated school. I feel that I would react with much sadness. I would react with sadness because I would pity each person in the crowd for their ignorance. I would know that their ignorance is preventing them from seeing people but instead seeing a color. A color in which they believe to be inferior. The racial slurs would make me very angry but I would know they were coming from an ignorant place. I would not say anything back because I would know that would put my life in danger.
I would not have liked to be one of the Little Rock Nine. What they have gone through is unthinkable for another human being to go through. It was really shocking to me to know that people could act in such a horrific fashion. What’s more shocking to me is to know they acted so stupidly was because the students were a different race than they were. But I wonder if it was really the students fault. I am definitely not giving the students a pass for their action but they may not have known any better. Unfortunately the students may have been a product of their incredibly racist environment. This is what they were bombarded with all the time. They received this kind of thinking at home and everywhere else in little rock. This was their culture and as we have learned in class, everything about culture is not good.
The way that I am as of now, it would not make me happy that I would have to be taken to school with armed guards but I am going to look at this from a different perspective. I am going to look at this from the perspective of a black student going to a newly desegregated school. I feel that I would react with much sadness. I would react with sadness because I would pity each person in the crowd for their ignorance. I would know that their ignorance is preventing them from seeing people but instead seeing a color. A color in which they believe to be inferior. The racial slurs would make me very angry but I would know they were coming from an ignorant place. I would not say anything back because I would know that would put my life in danger.
Comments on: most interesting of our american birds
What this poem is about is the pelican and how it is becoming extinct because businesses destroyed and is continuing to destroy its habitat. J. Mcnair is explaining how the pelican has come to the point of where it is now. It has come to this point because of what happened in the past, with pesticides and what is happening now with the oil spill in the Gulf coast. He feels that these events are tragic and unfortunate that this has happened to the pelican. He also feels this is a failure on our part to live along side of nature and to protect it.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Reflection 6
Rites of passages are extremely important in our society. They validate certain points or stages in our life. An example is a birthday party. I consider this a rite of passage because it celebrates someone’s getting older, which signifies adulthood or old age. In many cultures, adulthood is a very important rite of passage. Another reason why rites of passages are important is because they help cultivate culture. I believe this because rite of passage is an important part of the different cultures that exist. Many cultures have different methods or ceremonies which accept someone or acknowledge the entrance into that culture. These ceremonies symbolize these rites of passage.
What I have learned by reading these articles suggest that every culture has rites of passage. It seems that an important staple in every culture is the transition into adulthood. This rite of passage seems to be especially important in every culture. Because cultures are very different, the transition into adulthood is different for every culture but each one is equally important. I found it very interesting how the Sambia tribe in New Guinea conducts the process for the rite of passage into adulthood. In a way, it is very similar to the rite of passage in the American culture. When a male begins puberty, he is beginning his journey into adulthood. The same is also considered for a female. I also found the article, Sitting Quietly, fascinating. The story of their passage into adulthood was interesting to hear because some of the boys did not make it into adulthood because they were eaten by the foresee monster. In many cultures, when you become a certain age you are considered an adult and you becoming that age is you rite of passage. These ages vary from culture to culture.
Rites of passage in education share a very important relationship. In every grade level there are certain benchmarks that you must meet in order to progress to the next grade level. As educators, it is our responsibility to make sure that you meet these qualifications. Also we must understand that there is going to be different cultures in our classroom and different learning styles in our classrooms. We must develop a curriculum that will satisfy the needs of every culture in our classroom. With this in mind we must have a classroom culture that will enable you to gain your rite of passage into the next grade level.
What I have learned by reading these articles suggest that every culture has rites of passage. It seems that an important staple in every culture is the transition into adulthood. This rite of passage seems to be especially important in every culture. Because cultures are very different, the transition into adulthood is different for every culture but each one is equally important. I found it very interesting how the Sambia tribe in New Guinea conducts the process for the rite of passage into adulthood. In a way, it is very similar to the rite of passage in the American culture. When a male begins puberty, he is beginning his journey into adulthood. The same is also considered for a female. I also found the article, Sitting Quietly, fascinating. The story of their passage into adulthood was interesting to hear because some of the boys did not make it into adulthood because they were eaten by the foresee monster. In many cultures, when you become a certain age you are considered an adult and you becoming that age is you rite of passage. These ages vary from culture to culture.
Rites of passage in education share a very important relationship. In every grade level there are certain benchmarks that you must meet in order to progress to the next grade level. As educators, it is our responsibility to make sure that you meet these qualifications. Also we must understand that there is going to be different cultures in our classroom and different learning styles in our classrooms. We must develop a curriculum that will satisfy the needs of every culture in our classroom. With this in mind we must have a classroom culture that will enable you to gain your rite of passage into the next grade level.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
reflection 4
What is culture? Many people have their own definition of culture. My definition of culture is a group of people who share the same ideas, beliefs, and views. They also share the same belief systems and have similar thought process. This is my definition because this is what I have observed and been a part of. I personally am a part of, and have been a part of many cultures. Because I am a man I am a part of the of the culture of men. Because I am black I am a part of that culture. Because I am Haitian I a apart of that culture and so on and so forth.
I do not feel that being a part of a culture is a bad thing. In fact I believe the contrary. I feel that being a part of a culture teaches you the love and gives you a sense of being and much more than that but it also has its negative features. Cultures at times teach people intolerance and hate. They sometime teach the individuals within that culture that their culture is better or that their culture is more deserving. There is an example of this in the article with the development of haute couture. The people who could afford these clothing felt as if they were better than the people who could not.
Intercultural competence is very important. What this means to me is to try to understand the point of view of someone that has different life experiences and views than your own. As the article, Transformation: Creating Context, Part 2, suggested, this process takes time to learn so you cannot expect to master something like this over night. What this in tells is that you become very opened-minded and know that the person you are having a conversation with will never fully comprehend where you are coming from. The reason for this is because the two of you have different life experiences and different ideas. This is because the two of you are from different cultures. A person that has intercultural competence will be able to identify something like this and understand that it is perfectly fine.
I have gained many insights from reading these articles. I know that I have still have a lot to learn about cultures including my own but I know that I am taking a step in the right direction. I also know that this is a lifelong process and I must work at it every day to attempt to perfect it. Intercultural competence is just as important because this will help me communicate with other cultures. This is also important because I will be in a class with students that have many different cultures and subcultures. What I have learned by reading these articles can be applied to the classroom.
I do not feel that being a part of a culture is a bad thing. In fact I believe the contrary. I feel that being a part of a culture teaches you the love and gives you a sense of being and much more than that but it also has its negative features. Cultures at times teach people intolerance and hate. They sometime teach the individuals within that culture that their culture is better or that their culture is more deserving. There is an example of this in the article with the development of haute couture. The people who could afford these clothing felt as if they were better than the people who could not.
Intercultural competence is very important. What this means to me is to try to understand the point of view of someone that has different life experiences and views than your own. As the article, Transformation: Creating Context, Part 2, suggested, this process takes time to learn so you cannot expect to master something like this over night. What this in tells is that you become very opened-minded and know that the person you are having a conversation with will never fully comprehend where you are coming from. The reason for this is because the two of you have different life experiences and different ideas. This is because the two of you are from different cultures. A person that has intercultural competence will be able to identify something like this and understand that it is perfectly fine.
I have gained many insights from reading these articles. I know that I have still have a lot to learn about cultures including my own but I know that I am taking a step in the right direction. I also know that this is a lifelong process and I must work at it every day to attempt to perfect it. Intercultural competence is just as important because this will help me communicate with other cultures. This is also important because I will be in a class with students that have many different cultures and subcultures. What I have learned by reading these articles can be applied to the classroom.
Comments on: stormy weather
A young boy sees a beautiful woman on the silver screen. He doesn’t know what has come over him. Is it love, is it lust, or is it more than that? This poem explains how J. McNair felt when he saw the beautiful and amazing Lena Horne in the movie Stormy Weather and a Cabin in The Sky as a twelve year old boy. Lena made him feel like he could be little Joe in a Cabin in The Sky. He also felt that he could be the one to cheer Lena up because her man left her in Stormy Weather. He said that he may of felt this way because of hormones or some other reason. I fell that it was the latter. For him, she was an inspiration. She was what he could be and what he could do. She taught him about love and its hardships. She was what black women could be and what black men could have.
Comments on: awaiting an appropriate provocation
What this poem is about is the law that Arizona wants to pass that will allow police to card all suspicious looking people to see if they are illegal immigrants or not. J. McNair is clearly against this law. The message that he is trying to convey is that this law is discriminatory. The reason he feels this way is because it will elicit racial profiling. This will happen because police will affect every immigrant as described in the poem. Law enforcement or the law cannot decipher between the immigrant who is here illegally but pays taxes or has been here for years and the immigrant who has been here a few months and is the resident drug dealer. McNair feels this law is sprout up through law makers with bad intentions and if they really want to get the immigration problem under control this is not the way to go.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Reflection 3
You were driving one day and realized that if you take 8th St instead of 10th St you would get to the Wal-Mart much faster? You begin to tell your family and friends this but they do not believe you. They believe you are lying and there cannot be a faster route to Wal-Mart. You implore them to try out the new but strange route for themselves but they feel the way have been driving cannot be driving is the fastest around. Your brother comes in the house and is elated because he shaved five minutes off his driving time to Wal-Mart. He has finally tried the new route and has seen for himself that the new route is quicker. He tells everyone and now everyone knows that the new route is faster. You have finally been given the validation for your finding that you deserve.
In very simple terms this is a paradigm shift. Before I explain to you what a paradigm shift is, I must first explain to you what a paradigm is. A paradigm is a new finding or more efficient way of getting something done that is not yet widely accepted. A paradigm shift is what happens when this idea becomes widely accepted. I gave in the paragraph above, an example of what I experienced a few years back when I found this new route. Like most paradigms it was met with reservation and doubt but in the end it was found to be true and efficient. An example that was used in class was the example of Copernicus, who said that the Earth did not revolve around the Sun. Many people did not accept his finings because the refuted the findings of Aristotle, the greatest mind ever. Also his findings were to radical for his time. His finds were later finally accepted.
Paradigm change is very important in the classroom because everything changes and education is not immune to these changes. The way that students learned five years ago may be different than the way students learn today and because teachers are in the classroom for many years, they must adapt to these changes. Also, teacher must try to meet the needs of the different kinds of learning capabilities in their classroom. At the moment students learn very well with technology so technology must be incorporated in learning. As teachers, we must be able to identity these paradigms in order to better assist the children in the classroom. Student’s education is very important and accepting these paradigms will aid teachers to accommodate very type of learning style, whether visual, audio, or kinetic.
In very simple terms this is a paradigm shift. Before I explain to you what a paradigm shift is, I must first explain to you what a paradigm is. A paradigm is a new finding or more efficient way of getting something done that is not yet widely accepted. A paradigm shift is what happens when this idea becomes widely accepted. I gave in the paragraph above, an example of what I experienced a few years back when I found this new route. Like most paradigms it was met with reservation and doubt but in the end it was found to be true and efficient. An example that was used in class was the example of Copernicus, who said that the Earth did not revolve around the Sun. Many people did not accept his finings because the refuted the findings of Aristotle, the greatest mind ever. Also his findings were to radical for his time. His finds were later finally accepted.
Paradigm change is very important in the classroom because everything changes and education is not immune to these changes. The way that students learned five years ago may be different than the way students learn today and because teachers are in the classroom for many years, they must adapt to these changes. Also, teacher must try to meet the needs of the different kinds of learning capabilities in their classroom. At the moment students learn very well with technology so technology must be incorporated in learning. As teachers, we must be able to identity these paradigms in order to better assist the children in the classroom. Student’s education is very important and accepting these paradigms will aid teachers to accommodate very type of learning style, whether visual, audio, or kinetic.
Reflection 2
Transformation… What do you think about when you here this word? Do you think about something or someone turning into something totally different than what it once was like it is a Transformer? Is this even possible? Well, this is possible. Take the example that was used in the article Transformation: A Beginning. This article gave an example of the metamorphosis of a butterfly. The butterfly is the only species known to man that is able to turn into a different creature entirely. It starts off as a caterpillar and then forms a cocoon around itself and later transforms into a butterfly. This is still a very mysterious process but if this can happen with a caterpillar, this means it can happen with each and everyone one of us according to the two articles: Transformation: A Beginning and Transformation: Creating Context, Part 1.
Of course this cannot happen in a literal since but this happens through a multicultural awareness/consciousness (MA/C). What MA/C means to me is as follows: someone who knows that everyone is different in many aspects of their life but has the utmost respect for the other person’s views as well as their own. As I learned in class this past Wednesday, it takes more to MA/C than to just hanging out with people of different ethnicities and different cultures. What it takes is changing the way you think and feel about situations. An example that was given in class was of a child acting out in a supermarket. Almost everyone’s natural instinct would be: why is his mother letting her child do this, why doesn’t she take him outside and beat his butt. This is an incorrect thought process for someone who has mastered MA/C or of a person that is truly transformed. First a transformed person would look at the situation without any judgment and then he would try to figure out if this is a child who is just having a bad day or is this a child with behavior problems. The child may very well be acting out because of a recent trauma, such as a divorce. This type of transformation in my opinion is not easy to attain but it is not an obstacle that cannot be passed.
There is defiantly more to transformation than the paragraph above. A few other key factors that are to transformation is being tolerant, nonjudgmental and accepting of everyone’s ideas and beliefs. Being tolerant does not mean keeping people in your life only because of what they do for you but accepting everyone for what they bring into your life. Being nonjudgmental means having no bias or un-bias about someone or an idea. You must just be understanding of the idea. Accepting someone means having the ability to let someone in and take them as they are.
Of course this cannot happen in a literal since but this happens through a multicultural awareness/consciousness (MA/C). What MA/C means to me is as follows: someone who knows that everyone is different in many aspects of their life but has the utmost respect for the other person’s views as well as their own. As I learned in class this past Wednesday, it takes more to MA/C than to just hanging out with people of different ethnicities and different cultures. What it takes is changing the way you think and feel about situations. An example that was given in class was of a child acting out in a supermarket. Almost everyone’s natural instinct would be: why is his mother letting her child do this, why doesn’t she take him outside and beat his butt. This is an incorrect thought process for someone who has mastered MA/C or of a person that is truly transformed. First a transformed person would look at the situation without any judgment and then he would try to figure out if this is a child who is just having a bad day or is this a child with behavior problems. The child may very well be acting out because of a recent trauma, such as a divorce. This type of transformation in my opinion is not easy to attain but it is not an obstacle that cannot be passed.
There is defiantly more to transformation than the paragraph above. A few other key factors that are to transformation is being tolerant, nonjudgmental and accepting of everyone’s ideas and beliefs. Being tolerant does not mean keeping people in your life only because of what they do for you but accepting everyone for what they bring into your life. Being nonjudgmental means having no bias or un-bias about someone or an idea. You must just be understanding of the idea. Accepting someone means having the ability to let someone in and take them as they are.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Reflection 1
A few insights that I have gained from reading the article Prehistoric Human… is that we have a great ability to adapt to our surroundings and circumstances. We witness this adaptation in our ability to control fire unarguably 230,000 to 300,000 years ago. We also witness this in evolution. Evolution has been a survival mechanism for all animals since the beginning of time. In this article it is suggested that because the Homo erectus learned to use fire to cook their teeth became smaller and so did the entire face. The females also evolved because of the need to protect the food from the stronger males while the food was cooking. Because of this need, they became more sexually available to attract a male that could protect them during times of cooking.
Another insight that I have gained is that the early human’s capacity to learn is enormous. I write this because this article suggests that when a lightning strike ignited a fire the Homo erectus learned to reap the spoils of the burnt forest.
A few insights that I have gained from The Invention of the Wheel is again, man’s ability to make our lives easier. The invention of the wheel was an immense stepping stone in the power to make our lives easier. If you look at where the wheels has taken us today (the automobile), it is simply amazing. In my opinion the invention of the wheel was one of the first technology revolutions. The wheel is a device that was created to make our lives easier and simpler and I was developed further and further. This also makes aware to me that man’s ability to improve his life is endless.
A few insights that I have gained from the article History of Writing is that our need to communicate with one another is a necessity and that is why through time it was developed and perfected. What I find to be extremely interesting is that humans first communicated through pictures and then it later evolved to words.
I believe we are being asked to read these articles because as pre-teachers we need to gain an understanding of our beginnings. It is imperative that you know where you came from so you know where you are going. These articles have shown me that our capacity to learn and to adapt is endless. It is up to the teachers to tap into ourselves and to our students to get the best out of them. I think that these articles are extremely important to read because they give you a sense of what we were like hundreds of thousands of years ago and how far we have come.
Another insight that I have gained is that the early human’s capacity to learn is enormous. I write this because this article suggests that when a lightning strike ignited a fire the Homo erectus learned to reap the spoils of the burnt forest.
A few insights that I have gained from The Invention of the Wheel is again, man’s ability to make our lives easier. The invention of the wheel was an immense stepping stone in the power to make our lives easier. If you look at where the wheels has taken us today (the automobile), it is simply amazing. In my opinion the invention of the wheel was one of the first technology revolutions. The wheel is a device that was created to make our lives easier and simpler and I was developed further and further. This also makes aware to me that man’s ability to improve his life is endless.
A few insights that I have gained from the article History of Writing is that our need to communicate with one another is a necessity and that is why through time it was developed and perfected. What I find to be extremely interesting is that humans first communicated through pictures and then it later evolved to words.
I believe we are being asked to read these articles because as pre-teachers we need to gain an understanding of our beginnings. It is imperative that you know where you came from so you know where you are going. These articles have shown me that our capacity to learn and to adapt is endless. It is up to the teachers to tap into ourselves and to our students to get the best out of them. I think that these articles are extremely important to read because they give you a sense of what we were like hundreds of thousands of years ago and how far we have come.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Who is Plutarch?
Everyone has a lot of questions about who they are. Apparently that is a question that takes a lot of meditation and reflection to figure out and after that you still don't truly know who you are. Some people say the road to figuring out who you are is a life long journey. I would say that I agree. You must go through many stages and fazes of life to fully figure yourself out.
At this point in my life I am at the college stage and faze of my life. I have a good idea of who I am and who I have yet to become and I am excited to say the possibilities seem to be endless.
Here is a little bit of what made me who I am. I am the fourth child of five and the youngest boy. I have one sister and she is the youngest. My mother and my father have been together for over twenty-seven years. They have been the most loving and caring parents to each and every one of us ever since a can remember. I remember when my mother used to talk about the days when it was just her, my dad, and my two eldest brothers. My mother decided that she had enough of talking about sports and sport cars so she decided to have a daughter. Five years later she had my third eldest brother. She still didn't have someone on her team so she tried again. When she did try again, eleven months later, I was born. You know what they say, fifth time is a charm so she gave it one more go. Finally, on her fifth try she was granted her wish of a beautiful healthy baby girl by the baby fairy. At last the Thelus family was whole with a mother, a father, four boys and one girl.
I remember my first day of elementary school. I was so nervous. I was worried about if the other kids would like me or hate me. I was worried if the teacher would be nice or mean or pretty. I was also worried about the red and blue polo shirt that I had to wear as a part of the school uniform. I remember my brothers telling me that everything would be okay and I didn't have to be nervous but I was doubtful because on their faces were malicious grins. I remember being dropped off at this massive structure with my three older brothers. We began the long walk to the entrance of the building. When we finally arrived to the strange building there were creatures even more massive inside. My brothers told me that these creatures were fourth and fifth graders and in order to survive I had to stay away from them. They also told me that where I am was called the cafeteria and that it was the place where they served food. I was happy to know that my new school wasn't all that scary if it had a cafeteria.
At this point in my life I am at the college stage and faze of my life. I have a good idea of who I am and who I have yet to become and I am excited to say the possibilities seem to be endless.
Here is a little bit of what made me who I am. I am the fourth child of five and the youngest boy. I have one sister and she is the youngest. My mother and my father have been together for over twenty-seven years. They have been the most loving and caring parents to each and every one of us ever since a can remember. I remember when my mother used to talk about the days when it was just her, my dad, and my two eldest brothers. My mother decided that she had enough of talking about sports and sport cars so she decided to have a daughter. Five years later she had my third eldest brother. She still didn't have someone on her team so she tried again. When she did try again, eleven months later, I was born. You know what they say, fifth time is a charm so she gave it one more go. Finally, on her fifth try she was granted her wish of a beautiful healthy baby girl by the baby fairy. At last the Thelus family was whole with a mother, a father, four boys and one girl.
I remember my first day of elementary school. I was so nervous. I was worried about if the other kids would like me or hate me. I was worried if the teacher would be nice or mean or pretty. I was also worried about the red and blue polo shirt that I had to wear as a part of the school uniform. I remember my brothers telling me that everything would be okay and I didn't have to be nervous but I was doubtful because on their faces were malicious grins. I remember being dropped off at this massive structure with my three older brothers. We began the long walk to the entrance of the building. When we finally arrived to the strange building there were creatures even more massive inside. My brothers told me that these creatures were fourth and fifth graders and in order to survive I had to stay away from them. They also told me that where I am was called the cafeteria and that it was the place where they served food. I was happy to know that my new school wasn't all that scary if it had a cafeteria.
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